Heritage Camp Videos

Harlem Shake – Heritage Camp 2013

The participants and committee of Heritage Camp 2013 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia do the Harlem Shake in their traditional costumes at Graduation Night!

Heritage Camp Videos

Heritage Camp 2013, Yogyakarta

Suasana Heritage Camp 2013
– 7 Sesi Pemateri
– Sesi-sesi Ice Breaking
– Kunjungan Wisata Budaya

Heritage Camp Videos

Overview Heritage Camp 2013

Heritage Camp is an effort to encourage Indonesian youth to preserve their cultural heritage in modern world. Indonesia as a country which consists of 17.000 islands, 243 millions people and 742 languages struggles to maintain its root to face globalization. It is the youth responsibility to protect their identity through creative preservation of cultural heritage through modern ways. This four days camp hosted students from all over places; Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Celebes, and eastern part of Indonesia. Conducted by Lontara Project and Universitas Gadjah Mada’s students in Yogyakarta, this event is supported by American Councils and Bina Antarbudaya as it’s partner in Indonesia.